Event on

Revitalizing Diabetes Care in Primary Care

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  • Dr. Aaron King, MD

    Dr. Aaron King, MD

    Revitalizing Diabetes Care in Primary Care

Support for this program is provided by Abbott.
The speaker(s) is (are)presenting at the request of Abbott.

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Join our upcoming webinar: Revitalizing Diabetes Care in Primary Care.

We'll address clinical inertia, which hinders optimal care, and explore ways to make better patient outcomes more accessible. Dr. King will discuss new technologies, patient empowerment, and inclusive practices that can transform diabetes management in the primary care setting, reducing the burden on individuals and society. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of the fight against diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide and its prevalence continues to rise. The problem lies not only in the increasing number of diabetes cases but also in the often-suboptimal management of the condition.

Point of Care testing implementation and new technologies are transforming the way patients interact with their healthcare providers. These innovations enable real-time information sharing, which enhances the timeliness of effectiveness of treatment and treatment adjustments, improving patient and provider communication in the moments of interaction.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the current situation for managing people living with diabetes in the primary care setting today
  • Improving patient outcomes and quality of care
  • What treating healthcare providers can implement to improve their diabetes management program — clinic inertia and democratizing healthcare
  • Empowering patients and intervening earlier
  • Reducing the economic burden on people and healthcare systems

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