Dr. Chistopher Chao, MD
Medical Director of Wake Med Urgent Care
Immediate past president of the College of
Urgent Care Medicine. Previous Board of
Directors of the Urgent Care Association
所提出的观点和意见仅代表作者。 此网络广播中包含的内容仅供参考/教育目的。
Sore throat is a common presentation in Urgent Care. Sore throat accounts for up to 1-2% of ambulatory visits in the United States on an annual basis. A common perception and fear from patients is that sore throat is strep throat. However, sore throat is a common presentation for many infectious and non-infectious causes, including life-threatening conditions. This webinar will review the diagnostic approach to sore throat with a focus on using evidence-based data to develop an efficient clinical workflow and review treatment options. Finally, we will discuss some of the controversies involving the testing and management of strep throat.
Learning Objectives
- Identify causes of sore throat that present in the ambulatory/urgent care setting.
- List history and physical exam findings associated with streptococcus pharyngitis.
- Select appropriate laboratory testing for evaluation of streptococcal pharyngitis.
- Develop an appropriate testing strategy in the ambulatory clinic for sore throat.
- Choose appropriate antibiotics for the treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis.
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