Event on

Fighting forwards: how to keep antibiotics working in an age of resistance


Join this interactive discussion on how the different adoption of C-reactive protein point-of-care testing in different countries has influenced and could influence antibiotic misuse and antimicrobial resistance rates.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how different adoption of C-reactive protein (CRP) point-of-care testing (POCT) around Europe has influenced and could influence antibiotic misuse and antimicrobial resistance rates
  • Understand how the use of antibiotics may be reduced in the primary care setting
  • Take a deeper look at the role of CRP POCT for different indications and age groups, learn about strategies to reduce antibiotic prescribing and hear about future healthcare perspectives

Painel de discussão

  • Prof. Ivan Gentile

    Prof. Ivan Gentile


    Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases, Director of the Residency Program of Infectious & Tropical Diseases Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Chief of the Infectious Diseases Unit AOU Federico II, Naples, Italy.

  • Dr Carl Llor

    Dr Carl Llor


    Full time general practitioner at the Primary Healthcare Centre, Via Roma, Barcelona, Spain and Associate professor of the department of general pathology, Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.

  • Dr Verena Gantner

    Dr Verena Gantner


    General practitioner and specialist in general internal medicine, examination expert in the validation procedure EFZ, MPA (Swiss Federal Medical Certificate for Medical Practice Assistants), lecturer for the certificate of proficiency for practice laboratories KHM and mentor for a family doctors’ practice in Tajikistan.

  • Prof. Rogier Hopstaken

    Prof. Rogier Hopstaken
    (The Netherlands)


    General practitioner and innovation specialist at star-shl diagnostic centers, member of the Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG) and the Dutch College of Clinical Chemists (NVKC), and member of the Board of Directors of the GP chronic care group PoZoB.

  • Vanessa Carter

    Vanessa Carter
    (South Africa /UK)
    Speaker Patient Advocate


    E-Patient Scholar at Stanford University Medicine X (US), as well as antibiotic resistance and One Health activist, founder of Healthcare Communications and Social Media South Africa (#hcsmSA) and Communication Manager at the Commonwealth Pharmacists Association, and CIDRAP Advisor, committee member and Member of Africa CDC. Originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, now resides in the UK.

  • Dr. Paul Tunnah

    Dr. Paul Tunnah

    Welcome & Introductions

    Founder of leading industry media channel pharmaphorum.com and Chief Content Officer / UK Managing Director for Healthware Group.Recognised moderator and speaker with specialist interest in patient engagement and digital transformation / digital health. Holds a degree and PhD in Biochemistry from Oxford University.

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