Event on

Creating Better HIV Care and the Importance of Early Detection


  • Eduard Sanders MD, MPH, PhD

    Eduard Sanders MD, MPH, PhD

    Senior HIV Prevention Scientist

    Aurum Institute, Johannesburg

    Visiting Professor, Global Health

    University of Oxford

  • Leandro A. Mena MD, MPH, FIDSA

    Leandro A. Mena MD, MPH, FIDSA
    (United States)

    Owner and Senior Consultant, All-In Health Solutions,


As opiniões e opiniões apresentadas são apenas dos autores. O conteúdo deste webcast destina-se apenas a fins informativos/educativos.


Despite the progress made, AIDS claimed a life every minute in 2022.1 Join us as we discuss how to manage challenges and effectively leverage preventive programs to help create better patient outcomes and reach the goal of 95-95-95.

Learning Objectives

  • Define acute HIV infection and the increased transmission rate of AHI
  • Outline the challenges associated with creating access to HIV testing and importance of accurate diagnosis
  • Discuss better patient outcomes through early detection, treatment, and utilization of preventive programs
  • Share best practices and testing strategies to help reach the 95-95-95 goal
  1. The path that ends AIDS: UNAIDS Global AIDS Update 2023. Geneva: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS; 2023. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

© 2024 Abbott. Todos os direitos reservados. Todas as marcas comerciais mencionadas são marcas comerciais do grupo de empresas Abbott ou de seus respectivos proprietários. COL-24604 05/24

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