Africa Healthcare Week Online is the largest ever virtual event for African healthcare. It features thousands of attendees, with over 80 webinar speakers, including panel discussions and case studies from ministries of health and prominent healthcare leaders.

The full selection of on-demand webinars from the latest event (held 13–17 July 2020) are available here, where you can also register for upcoming events.

A scientific session covering The value of point-of-care testing in the time of COVID-19 is also available here.

To access the individual presentations from this session, please click below:

Diabetes management in the age of COVID-19
Dr Susanne Emmerich

C-Reactive protein (CRP) in the context of COVID-19 and CRP as an aid to reduce antibiotic prescribing in respiratory infections
Dr Carl Llor

The views and opinions presented are of the author only. The content contained in this webcast is intended for informational / educational purposes only.

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