Business cases for funding support within POCT


  • Dr. Mohammad Raza, MBBS BSC FRCP FRCPATH

    Dr. Mohammad Raza, MBBS BSC FRCP FRCPATH
    (United Kingdom)

    Business cases for funding support within POCT

    Consultant Virologist

    Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Trust

Die dargestellten Ansichten und Meinungen stammen ausschließlich von den Autoren. Der in diesem Webcast enthaltene Inhalt ist nur für Informations-/Bildungszwecke bestimmt.


The unpredictable presence of multiple respiratory viruses created new diagnostic challenges across our society, particularly in time-sensitive healthcare settings.

Join us for this exclusive face-to-face event to hear about real-world examples from experts in the industry around their experience with the ID NOW™ Rapid Molecular Platform to detect respiratory diseases such as COVID-19, flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and strep A.

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