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AMR and ENASPOC: Support for antibiotic prescribing decisions is available, let´s get started


  • Prof. Lars Bjerrum

    Prof. Lars Bjerrum

    AMR and ENASPOC: Support for antibiotic prescribing decisions is available, let´s get started

Die dargestellten Ansichten und Meinungen stammen ausschließlich von den Autoren. Der in diesem Webcast enthaltene Inhalt ist nur für Informations-/Bildungszwecke bestimmt.


ENASPOC is a multi-disciplinary network geared towards implementing actions that improve antibiotic stewardship in primary care to help fight the issue of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Over-prescribing of antibiotics in primary care is a significant contributor to rising AMR, and respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are a major source of inappropriate prescriptions.

C-reactive Protein point of care testing (CRP POCT), and complementary strategies, are tried, tested, and proven to be very effective at reducing antibiotic prescribing without compromising patient safety or satisfaction when properly implemented. Yet mature adoption of CRP POCT in primary care is observed in relatively few European countries, with the Nordics, the Netherlands, and Switzerland leading the way.

Visit the ENASPOC website to learn more.

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