
Confidence index explanation

Before uploading your submission, we would like to know how you rank your confidence level in performing an anastomosis on a low fidelity simulator:

Please rank your confidence level according to the following scale:

5 = Extremely High Confidence Level:

I have the impression that I am ready to move to anastomoses on the living human in real life situations. Due to my confidence level, I believe I can successfully and repeatedly execute an anastomosis and score above 90 % of the maximum value of an OSATS.

4 = High Confidence Level:

I have the impression that I need some final adjustments before performing anastomoses on the living human in real life situations. Due to my confidence level, I believe I can sometimes execute an anastomosis and score above 90 % of the maximum value of an OSATS

3 = Medium Confidence Level:

I have the impression that I know all the essential elements of a technically perfect anastomosis but I am not yet able to execute them simultaneously or repeatedly.

2 = Low Confidence Level:

I have had a first contact with all the components of an anastomosis and have started practicing them in a simulated environment.

1 = Not Confident:

I do not yet know the components allowing me a perfect anastomosis but I am willing to proceed along an educational path towards this ambition.

Please note that as a self-ranking, the score is NOT a valid predictor of the actual ability to perform a cardiovascular anastomosis during a real patient surgery.

An OSATS is an Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skill.

The OSCE (Objectives Structured Clinical Examination) introduced by Harden (BMJ 1975;1:447-451) assessed clinical behaviors in medical schools. Kopta used checklists to assess the operative skills of residents (Surgery 1971;70:297-303). Schueneman (Surgery 1984;96:288-95) added a rating scale of surgical skill. Winckle (Am J Surg 1994;167:423-7) used operation-specific checklists and detailed global rating scales in assessing residents' skills in the operating theatre.

The concept of OSATS, by Martin, Regehr, Reznick (British J Surgery 1997,84,273-278) involves direct observation of residents performing structured operative tasks on inanimate models. A???ac imperdiet tortor. Suspendisse ante leo, vehicula ut ante id, mattis feugiat orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam ornare tristique nisi. Duis volutpat dui eu mollis cursus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Morbi sit amet ante a leo tempor interdum ac ac ipsum. Vivamus id euismod ligula. Fusce consequat sit amet orci non accumsan. Donec volutpat nunc vel semper facilisis. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum nec scelerisque orci. Aliquam eleifend neque sed ligula tempor placerat. Praesent faucibus bibendum massa ac cursus. Nullam in sem vitae quam porta vulputate id at dolor. Curabitur semper ante vitae quam aliquam, sit amet rutrum erat dictum. Etiam at urna purus. Nulla in leo dignissim, efficitur nisi ut, suscipit dolor. Maecenas consectetur volutpat tortor, a facilisis augue tincidunt auctor. Fusce egestas sem non posuere dapibus.

Instructions for taking a picture

The pictures should clearly present your training for the step.

When talking a picture, make sure you have read the specific guidelines given by the faculty member in the curriculum step's submission part. Look at the example picture that is provided in the guidelines.

Take these pictures from less than 50 cm distance. Use appropriate magnification and high resolution to allow the evaluator to distinguish all features of the exercise and to get good results. Make sure the pictures are taken in colour to be able to show good contrast

Example image types are: .jpg, .png, .tiff, .bmp.

Instructions for taking a video

The video(s) should present your training on the anastomosis curriculum elements in the particular steps. You should take a look at the specific video requirements in the submissions section of that step. You can alos take a look at the example video that is provided in the briefing of the step's submission page.

The videos should not exceed 2-3 minutes in length. Take the videos from less than 100 cm distance from anastomosis, ideally from 75 cm distance.

The video scenes should visualize the hands, their support, the needle holders and the grafts. Try to have a surgical (stable) video hand, preferably use a fixed support.

For visual and technical reasons, try to use a needle sized 9-13 mm. Use a suture size 6-0, max. 7-0. You do not need to add any sound to the video.

You do not need to pay specific attention to the size of videos, since we have a engine that will convert the videos to a good size and format for online display.

Example video formats are: .mp4, .avi, .mov, .wmv, .mkv, .3gp.

Instructions for adding comments

  • The notes should be written in English language.
  • The number of words is restricted to 500 words.
  • Please understand that these notes will only be seen by the proctor.

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