Event on

The unpredictable respiratory season: influenza and COVID-19


On the threshold of the 2021-2022 respiratory season, this timely update centers on influenza A&B, the COVID-19 pandemic and steps healthcare systems are taking to prepare for the upcoming (and uncertain) respiratory season.This expert discussion will include evidence-based updates and practical experience regarding rapid testing across overlapping respiratory illnesses. From acute to ongoing vigilance, we will explore methods to accommodate various testing needs and use cases.

Learning Objectives

  • Provide an update on influenza A&B and COVID-19 infections and variants;
  • Summarize steps healthcare systems are taking to prepare for the upcoming (and uncertain) respiratory season;
  • Describe use cases and testing scenarios for molecular and antigen testing - what works, when and where;
  • Apply practical experience and evidence to the use of rapid influenza (and COVID-19) testing in improving efficiencies of care, operations, and workflow


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