This on-demand seminar recording features expert panel discussion on the importance of C-reactive protein (CRP) point-of-care testing (POCT) related to COVID-19.

The seminar presents studies from around the world indicating that CRP levels are a valuable inflammatory marker for severity and risk assessment in COVID-19 patients.

The session also covers the importance of antibiotic stewardship programmes in the context of the global pandemic and looks at the recent findings from the PACE study, which investigated CRP POCT as a guide for antibiotic prescribing in acutely exacerbated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

See below for a list of our renowned expert panel and a summary of the programme:

  • Professor Nicholas Francis (UK) 
    • Chair
  • Professor Ivan Gentile (Italy)
    • Speaker: Severity assessment and outcome prediction in the COVID-19 patients
  • Dr Carl Llor
    • Speaker: The emergence of multi-resistance associated with the overuse of antibiotics during COVID-19 pandemic
  • Professor Dag Berild (Norway)
    • Speaker: Antimicrobial stewardship in the time of COVID-19 is vital – AMR still persists and could be heightened by the pandemic
  • Dr Aggy York (UK)
    • Panellist

To read the learning objectives for this session, plus watch the seminar in full, please click here.

The views and opinions presented are of the author only. The content contained in this webcast is intended for informational / educational purposes only.

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