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The value of CRP point-of-care testing in the fight against antimicrobial resistance


As opiniões e opiniões apresentadas são apenas dos autores. O conteúdo deste webcast destina-se apenas a fins informativos/educativos.


Join our panel of experts from across Europe to learn about the value of C-reactive protein (CRP) point-of-care testing (POCT) to help fight antimicrobial resistance and as an aid to help avoid the misuse of antibiotics. 90% of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are viral and therefore antibiotics have no clinical benefit. And yet RTIs are one of the most common reasons for unnecessary antibiotic prescribing [1]. The webinar will analyse studies and present front-line experience on the value of CRP POCT told through the eyes of internationally acclaimed healthcare professionals and academics from the UK, the Netherlands and Italy.

As opiniões e opiniões apresentadas são apenas dos autores. O conteúdo deste webcast destina-se apenas a fins informativos/educativos.

  1. CDC. Interim Clinical Guidance for Management of Patients with Confirmed Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Update 27. Oct 2020. Downloaded June 2021. https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/89980

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