Event on

Organisational impact of a rapid respiratory molecular solution in the emergency department


  • Docteur Jérémy GUENEZAN

    Docteur Jérémy GUENEZAN

    Deputy Head of Emergency Department Poitiers University Hospital.

  • Madame Mélanie Vuong

    Madame Mélanie Vuong

    Health Executive in Emergency Department Poitiers University Hospital.

  • Docteur Julien Jeannelle

    Docteur Julien Jeannelle

    Head of the Emergency Department Le Havre Hospital.

Los puntos de vista y opiniones presentados son solo de los autores. El contenido de este webcast está destinado únicamente a fines informativos/educativos.


What organisations have been implemented to face a sanitary exceptional situation gap?

In this webinar, we compare the management of respiratory infections before and after the COVID 19 pandemic with the implementation of a POC rapid respiratory molecular solution in the emergency department. We primarily explore the impact of POC implementation on patients, the hospital and on the healthcare staff in emergency department.

  • Learn about the collaboration between biologists and emergency physicians
  • Understand the improvement of the organisation of the emergency department following the implementation of a rapid POC molecular diagnostic tests
  • Learn how patient care in the emergency department improved following the implementation of a rapid POC molecular diagnostic

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