Veranstaltung am
The value of CRP point-of-care testing in the fight against antimicrobial resistance
Prof. Nicholas Francis
ChairSafe reduction of antibiotics for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using CRP point-of-care testing: The findings of the PACE Study.
Prof. Rogier Hopstaken
(The Netherlands)
SpeakerReduction of antibiotic prescribing at primary care: Evidence of the established role of CRP point-of-care testing.
Prof. Ivan Gentile
SpeakerThe fight against antimicrobial resistance in Italy.
Die dargestellten Ansichten und Meinungen stammen ausschließlich von den Autoren. Der in diesem Webcast enthaltene Inhalt ist nur für Informations-/Bildungszwecke bestimmt.
Join our panel of experts from across Europe to learn about the value of C-reactive protein (CRP) point-of-care testing (POCT) to help fight antimicrobial resistance and as an aid to help avoid the misuse of antibiotics. 90% of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are viral and therefore antibiotics have no clinical benefit. And yet RTIs are one of the most common reasons for unnecessary antibiotic prescribing [1]. The webinar will analyse studies and present front-line experience on the value of CRP POCT told through the eyes of internationally acclaimed healthcare professionals and academics from the UK, the Netherlands and Italy.
Die dargestellten Ansichten und Meinungen stammen ausschließlich von den Autoren. Der in diesem Webcast enthaltene Inhalt ist nur für Informations-/Bildungszwecke bestimmt.
- ↑ CDC. Interim Clinical Guidance for Management of Patients with Confirmed Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Update 27. Oct 2020. Downloaded June 2021.
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