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Global Health Impact of Tuberculosis and the Important Role of Point-of-Care Diagnostic Testing


  • Doug Wilson, PhD, FCP, MBChB

    Doug Wilson, PhD, FCP, MBChB
    (South Africa)

    Department of Internal Medicine, Harry Gwala

    Regional Hospital

    University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

  • Paul Drain, MD, MPH

    Paul Drain, MD, MPH
    (United States)

    Director, Clinical and Translational Science Core, SEATRAC

    Associate Professor, Departments of Global Health,

    Medicine, and Epidemiology

    University of Washington, Seattle

Die dargestellten Ansichten und Meinungen stammen ausschließlich von den Autoren. Der in diesem Webcast enthaltene Inhalt ist nur für Informations-/Bildungszwecke bestimmt.


This webinar will highlight the devastating impact that tuberculosis (TB) disease continues to have across the globe, and highlight the important role that point-of-care (POC) diagnostic tests such as urine lipoarabinomannan (LAM) can play in diagnosing active TB infections.


  • Provide an overview of TB global disease prevalence, unmet needs, diagnostic challenges, and health impacts.
  • Describe current TB diagnostic testing modalities, including Lateral Flow LAM POC testing among HIV-positive populations.
  • Share a clinician’s perspective from South Africa highlighting the challenges in diagnosing and managing TB patients.

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