Event on

Should you screen for kidney damage? What do the guidelines say?




    Head of department for Complications Research at Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, and Professor in Endocrinology at Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen

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Chronic kidney disease is a common and often silent condition – up to one in ten adults could be affected in Europe, Canada and Israel, yet only one-third of these will have had a diagnosis1. Early detection can slow disease progression or even prevent it altogether1 — which is why testing in at-risk groups is so important.

Join this livestream series of 20 minutes each to learn how early detection can slow disease progression or even prevent it valtogether.

Our international speakers will discuss the role of rapid diagnostics in disease prevention, with point-of-care testing such as an Albumin Creatinine Ratio (ACR) assay, enabling healthcare providers to detect, and treat, kidney disease in minutes.

Learn more about current guidelines and kidney disease prevention and management.

Series of six livestream events covering:

  • Importance of regular testing for early detection and monitoring in high-risk patients
  • Importance of ACR testing beside the determination of eGFR
  • Latest guidance on disease prevention and management
  • Case studies
  1. Sundström J, Bodegard J, Bollmann A et al. CaReMe CKD study: Prevalence, outcomes, and cost of CKD in a contemporary population of 2.4 million patients from 11 countries. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe 2022;00: 100438
  2. The International Society of Nephrology (ISN). Chronic Kidney Disease: HYPERLINK https://www.worldkidneyday.org/facts/chronic-kidney-disease.%20Accessed%201.%20September%202022 https://www.worldkidneyday.org/facts/chronic-kidney-disease. Accessed 1. September 2022

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