American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Academy, 2020

American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Academy (formerly known as the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, NACB) discusses how point-of-care testing (POCT) is a now proven approach that can provide faster turnaround of laboratory test results. The authors highlight that as manufacturers continue to introduce new POCT technologies, POCT is increasing in popularity, breadth of testing, and in the diversity of available clinical applications.

The guideline focusses on how clinicians can get the most efficacy and highest quality results from implementing best practices for POCT. The authors state that a quality assurance program is vital to managing reliability of POCT results. The guidance focusses on:

  • The value of an interdisciplinary committee to oversee POCT
  • Education to improve POCT performance
  • Optimal staffing models for POCT
  • Proficiency testing (PT)/external quality assessment (EQA) programs to improve POCT performance and patient outcomes
  • Data management to improve POCT outcomes
  • Staff selection of POCT devices
  • POCT to improve process

Overall, the authors provide guidance to the laboratory, to clinicians, and to operators in how to best adopt POCT in their setting to optimise patient care.

The full publication can be accessed here.

COL-08879 10/2021

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