CABG: knowledge, skills and attitude

An on-line hub of educational pathways for the CABG surgeon

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This hub will contain, when finished a series of small personalized on-line courses that will guide you towards an optimized knowledge, skills and attitude in CABG surgery.


How to Join?

  • 1
    Create account
  • 2
    Complete access requirements for subscription
  • 3
    Start your training


  • OPCAB seminars at the ICC meeting New York this Saturday Dec 7 2019

    Published on

    Three OPCAB seminars will be organized this Saturday Dec 7 in New York at the Marriott Marquis.

  • Anastomotic seminars at the last IACTS meeting in Chennai India Feb 22 2019

    Published on

    A massive number of participants (49) participated at our whole day anastomotic seminar. We had planned 25-30 but were able to provide each of them the mandatory instruments and grafts. They all went through the deconstruction of an anastomosis into teachable components and they then later applied these deconstructions, reconstructing the anastomosis in our low fidelity setup. As can be seen on this pitcure the intensity and concentration was the...


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