New paper

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Burnout is a problem in medical education, typically defined by emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy. While most research has focused on high-income Western countries, our recent study sheds light on this critical issue in a middle-income country: Morocco.

Burnout is a problem in medical education, typically defined by emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy. While most research has focused on high-income Western countries, our recent study sheds light on this critical issue in a middle-income country: Morocco.

📢 Our objective was to investigate burnout and its predictive factors among medical students in a University in Casablanca. We aimed to guide intervention strategies and explore differences between preclinical and clinical years.

📊 Key Findings:
* Cynicism: Significant differences were found between preclinical and clinical students, with cynicism notably higher in the clinical phase.
* Predictive Factors: Emotional exhaustion was linked to workload, work-home conflict, peer support, and neuroticism. Cynicism was influenced by learning phase, workload, meaningfulness, and neuroticism. Reduced professional efficacy was primarily predicted by neuroticism.

🌍 Conducting this research in Morocco enhances our understanding of burnout in low- and middle-income countries, providing a broader perspective on this global issue.

👏 This study was a great team effort, so many thanks to the co-authors: Lode Godderis, Aziza MENOUNI, Imane Bensouda Korachi, Mohamed Khalis, Samir EL JAAFARI and Chakib Nejjari.

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